Our Representative will call you to confirm the booking.
You can also fill the form if you also need mattress, chair or carpet cleaning service. Our Representative will discuss in details about your requirement.
Our Representative will call you to confirm the booking.
You can also fill the form if you also need mattress, chair or carpet cleaning service. Our Representative will discuss in details about your requirement.
Our goal is to WOW YOU with every cleaning service. The entire team of ServiceInfinity is working with a mission to make it an extremely easy, trustworthy and Highquality Service.
Our Proficient Sofa Cleaners use power of strong vacuum cleaner over each and every corner of your Sofa.This is done to remove or suck off the dirt and dust from your sofa.
Through this way, effective cleaning agents are injected to dissolve the solid grime and dirt from your sofa. Also killing the germs and viruses using disinfecting chemicals.
Through Scrubbing Is Done Using Powerful Scrubbing Maching to Remove Hard Stains.
This step is followed to extract the residual water from the sofa.